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芝加哥和中西部工人聯合委員會是 SEIU 的附屬機構,是美國最活躍的工會之一。我們努力成為工會激進主義和教育的領導者。我們的目標是確保我們的成員在工作中獲得最佳代表,同時讓他們了解自己在不公平的經濟體系中的權利。我們希望我們的會員和美國的所有工人都能獲得生活工資,並看到嚴厲的工作權法的終結。



1st Union Bank Chicago

100 多年來,我們一直在為工人權利而鬥爭。在我們的歷史頁面上閱讀更多關於它的信息。



Starbucks Workers United victory in Chicago

我們代表整個中西部和落基山脈的 13 個工人。我們的會員背景多種多樣,來自不同的行業。在我們的關於頁面了解更多關於我們的信息。




我們的工會在政治進程中非常活躍。我們知道所有工會成員投票並積極參與政治進程是多麼重要。訪問我們的 PAC 頁面,了解更多關於我們參與政治進程的信息。

A Labor Movement Led and designed by young workers

Graphic designed by Talula Estes - Lincoln Park High School, Chicago, IL


WU logo

A collection of articles about working-class struggle throughout American history. 

Do you have any articles that you would like to showcase and contribute to our Workers' Library? Send them to

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The Amalgamated National Health Fund

The Amalgamated National Health Fund was formed through the merger of many funds affiliated with the former Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union, the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, Workers United, UNITE Here, SEIU and other Funds. Today, it is a large, multi-employer ERISA Taft-Hartley Health & Wealth Fund with over 400 contributing employers nationwide representing diverse industries, including manufacturing, distribution, food service, laundry, dry cleaning, retail, textiles, and others. The Fund serves an estimated 16,000 members.

National Retirement Fund

The National Retirement Fund (“The Fund”) is an ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) defined benefit pension fund. It has over 245,000 participants including actively employed individuals, terminated but vested participants, and retired participants. Over 450 participating employers make regular contributions to The Fund as determined by a collective bargaining agreement or participation agreement.

Click on the link below to learn more about the fund and get important forms that must be filled out before your retirement date.

Don't forget to plan, fill out all the pension forms 6 to 12 months before your retirement date. It will ensure that you have your well-earned money the day you retire.

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